To put your best out on the field, you need to put the best in your body. Our pre-workout is loaded with electrolytes from coconut water, a blend of... Read More
To put your best out on the field, you need to put the best in your body. Our pre-workout is loaded with electrolytes from coconut water, a blend of BCAAs and naturally derived caffeine to give you that boost before game-time. But unlike a lot of the ‘other’ sports drinks, we don’t use any sugars, artificial colors or flavors.
Key Concepts • When you sweat you lose more than just water. • Coconut water electrolytes • Naturally derived caffeine • BCAAs building blocks of protein • Prepare for gameday. • Everything you need, nothing you don’t. • Hydration • Tastes better than water. Drink more
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The caffine comes from green coffee beans. The flavors come from nature. The results come from you.
Each scoop of our PRE contains 100mg of naturally-derived caffeine. That’s about as much in a cup of co ee. That makes it easy for you to dial in exactly how big a boost you need before game time.
Along with the boost from the naturally-derived caffeine, our PRE is packed with electrolytes derived from dehydrated coconut water to help replenish what’s lost while on the field.
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